Applications for the ABF/LSA/NSF Doctoral Fellowship in Law and Inequality for the 2025-26 academic year are now open.

Application Deadline: February 22, 2025

Pending budgetary approval, the American Bar Foundation (ABF), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Law & Society Association (LSA) will support one doctoral fellowship. The purpose of this fellowship is to encourage original and significant empirical and interdisciplinary research on the study of law and inequality.


The Doctoral Fellow will receive a stipend of $38,000 per year for up to two academic years (24 months). The Fellow will not be considered an employee of the ABF and must retain benefits, including healthcare, through their home institution. The Fellow will have access to a modest research account to reimburse expenses associated with research, travel to meet with advisors, or travel to conferences at which papers are presented. The Fellow will also receive a Law & Society Association (LSA) membership during the duration of the fellowship and support to attend LSA's Annual Conference and Early Career Workshop. Reasonable relocation expenses may be reimbursed.


The Fellowship will be awarded for up to two academic years, beginning September 1, 2025.


Fellowships are held in residence at the ABF. Appointments to fellowships are full time. Doctoral Fellows are expected to participate fully in the academic life of the ABF so that they may develop close collegial ties with ABF faculty and other scholars in residence. Because this is a full-time program, the ABF does not allow fellows to hold concurrent fellowships, but we support and encourage fellows to apply for research grants.


Applications are invited from doctoral students who are candidates for Ph.D. degrees and who will have completed all doctoral requirements except the dissertation by September 1, 2025. Applicants from underrepresented minority groups are especially encouraged to apply. While there are no citizenship requirements for this fellowship, please note that we do not have the institutional capacity to sponsor visas, and the ABF is unable to advise on individual visa matters. If you have questions, we encourage you to discuss your circumstances with the international student services office at your institution

How to Apply

Applicants must include: 

  1. A 1-2 page letter of application outlining their interest in the fellowship, their academic goals, any relevant past experiences, their interest in pursuing a research career in the field of law and social science, how the fellowship will contribute to the applicant's ability to complete the Ph.D., and how the applicant will contribute to the diversity of views and backgrounds in the field;
  2. A 2-3 page description of a research project or interest that relates to law and inequality (broadly defined) with a statement of how the applicant became interested in the research topic;
  3. A resume or curriculum vitae;
  4. A writing sample consisting of a paper written for a graduate-level course or a published piece of scholarly writing;
  5. Names and contact information of 3 professional references that we may contact if appropriate, including one from a faculty member in the applicant's department who is willing to serve as the departmental liaison should the applicant be selected as a fellow; and
  6. A completed application form (including biographical and contact information, degree requirements completed to date, current and anticipated funding).

Primary funding for this fellowship is provided by the ABF and the Law and Science Program of the National Science Foundation under grant award SES-2314693. Additional support is also provided by the Law & Society Association (LSA).

If you have questions about the application process or the position, please direct inquiries to "fellowships@" with the subject line “ABF/LSA/NSF Doctoral Fellowship Program in Law and Inequality.”